Saturday 21 February 2009

Block C hand over and AGM

It is expected Block C will be handover by early march after inspection by relevant authorities.
For AGM, the plan is to include block C owners so the committee comprise of all Block A, B and C owners.

Till then, wait for the updates for the actual date.
Enjoys your weekend!


Chardonnay said...

Thanks for creating and maintaining this blog. It definitely contains useful information & relevant updates for CV residents. Keep up the good job!

moderator said...

Thanks. Do drop by often. You are owner of block?
Take care ya!

Chardonnay said...

I am owner of Block A, moved in since May 2008. I think overall the place is OK with good potential but there are rooms for improvement. Security was more strict when I first moved in, hopefully they will buck up and I hope R&H continues to improve in managing the place. Which block are you staying? Can't wait for the AGM, hoping for more improvements!

moderator said...

i'm owner of BLock B. As u mentioned, overall quite good. But expect to improve after the AGM or JMB.

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